April 26, 2016
Artist Presentation 4
Sara- All are the same length of 10 seconds. Installation
with different frames possibly, and make it longer so it is continuous. Maybe
audio? With direct recollection to the video or the complete opposite. Possibly
reconstruct with her own complete terms, maybe Chroma-key, or still image, or
projecting. The possibilities are endless. Very Wonderful!!
Molly- cut out the word appeal. Do not appeal to anyone but
yourself, connect, relate, engage are better words. The audio was personal but
painful according to Fabian. Great juxtaposition for this piece. Like being up close and personal better than
before, where the hands necessary?
Decarlo- Home Alone. Series of smaller videos. Series of
smaller memories of audio, it’s not mine its not there, its something we can
experience together by using found footage.
Captured imagery in an installation. Really great you can do it
yourself. Inspiration from Vito Acconci. Liked being put into a place instead
of being a narration. Constructing these videos are like legos, its fantastic.
Glenn Ligon. Intentionally choppy audio. A minute too long. Builds its case up.
Carl- Very nice and informative. Narrative Immersion, Game
flow, Character Attachment. Needs a recreate at the end of the imagery so we
can remember. Larger sample size is more desirable. Got inconclusive results.
Wants to drop the project because of this. Quantitative way of looking at it?
Create your own character?
Patrick- The Night Sky is song. Fun titled Happiness. Stress
with transition from winter to spring. School students with relaxing care free
joy. Poy, with the balls of flow art. How do you have time to do that.
Transcendental. What you could capture people doing through the fountain. No
interaction with others which pushes the point of the bustling around. Push it
more. It is playful and not finished. Studying and being at Purdue. Put him in
the lecture. Put the 2 opposing sides together. Put it in a more profound
level. Use same model. Use a tripod. Frame shots a little better. Music is by
model. Welcome Wonder. Sound card.
Boyd- This is my MOVIE!! Flint water, impure water area.
Clips of different sources of audio about Flint Water and people paying for
it. Remote and ghost town. Give a
personal feel to what people are going through. Gave out 20,000 bottles of
water gave out that day. Makes me feel bad because I am a water snob. Lots of
talking about the crisis, the video sparked discussion. Confront people with
the camera or have them confront people with the use of a camera in their view.
It has an important urgency, impactful, so do it well. Timing issues. Congressional
hearing audio as well as interviews.
Salvador- Dangerous Squirrel. Crazy ardillas. Please do not
approach this critter. Call 1800IDontGiveAFuck. Mexican people are the
squirrels in comparison. Blair witch movie project feel with the squirrels.
Inspired by racism and mechanism in the United States. Go out and meet some of
the “natives.” Change of scenes and funnies doesn’t make it seem so long. American
Mexican mixture in voice and attitude. Depths of Mexican jungle. Great.
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