Friday, April 29, 2016

Artist Presentation 2 Part 2

April 25,2016

Nathaniel- Nancy Davenport
Canadian Assistant professor at UofPenn School of design. Photography video and animation. Politically charaged imagery. Compositing multiple images together. Constructed photography that feels familiar. Three bodies of work. The apartments (01), Screensavers(03), Workers(11). Uses compositing software. Showcase her work on TV screens in the gallery like media TV.
·      Bombardment. Opened 5 days before 9/11 which is ironic. This work is about terrorism. Parallels of violence by mistake and by individuals. Terrorist. Sniper. Fictional familiar landscapes. Revolutionary Day. Revolutionary Night. Appropriate iconic images of late 60s with institutional violence. Chris Burden’s 747 appropriation for one of her images 747. Has a quote on the blog.
·      Screensavers. Ideas revolve around protest. Green screen was not available at this time. She would cut them frame by frame to create these shots. Conflicted feeling in believing in necessity of protest, but a lot of these ideas might be exhausted. Protest starts when you stop working, so it is playing when you are not. Nature of protest movement and the methods that are used.
·      Workers. Employees and architecture of a global company in Europe and China. Follows common path of outsourcing, heavily influenced by Lumie’r Factory 1894 film.  Decided to document these workers, but is compiling them with over 100 photographs. Also a short film of workers leaving the factory. Close factories in Europe and open them in china to save money. Panoramic shots.

Amanda- Maggie Taylor
1961 in Cleveland Ohio, MFA University of Florida. Married to Jerry Uelsmann. She won the Santa Fe Center for Photography’s project competition in 2004. She merges into digital, started traditional. Scans imagery and Photoshop to composite imagery. Quote on the blog. Takes months to make her tedious images.
·      Did intro for Ghost Whisperer show with Jennifer Love Hewitt.
·      Southern Gothic- Girl in a bee Dress- Confessions of a Napper- Suit with wings- Mood Lifter-
·      Almost Alice (2006)- Alice and Wonderland. 45 digital inkjet prints. Quote on blog. Explain yourself!- Its always tea time- Call the next witness (she is on trial)- I’m grown up now (reflect her house)- A curious feeling- these strange adventures.
·      Current Work- More dreamlike series starting in 2012- the burden of dreams and small celebration.

Anna- Nikki S. Lee
Korean conceptual contemporary documentary and performance photography. MA in 1998 at NYU. At first she wanted to be an actress and then film making. She decided photography because her dad has studied it. Quote on the blog. “Life itself is a performance.”
·      Projects- Exotic Dancers. Adopts various customs and subcultures of American society, to fit in with these groups. Made in upstate new york in a club there. She would tell the groups that she was an art student. Punks. She wanted a boring not professional everyone can take pictures. Humble project, she doesn’t direct anyone or make them feel uncomfortable. She uses a simple snap and shoot picture. She likes this, she pushes boundaries of what is fine art photography. She keeps timestamps. She views success as believability of the imagery. Hip Hop. She blends photography and performance. Vernacular photography, challenges notions of how we build identity. Is one identity more true than others, how fixed are our rolls? Seniors, she hires professional artist to make her older, they just thought she was a crazy old lady. Lesbians, she mixes reality with non-reality. Blurs lines of what is real and what is not. Latinos, Identities can change and are all in flux. Investigates what puts us into these groups and do we fit the mold? She swears she is not mocking but I view it that way. She feels she is exploring what it means to adopt a culture not mocking it. Drag Queens. Skateboarders. Sense of spontaneity and response. Tourists. Quote on blog.
·      Parts (2002-2005) impact of relationships on identity. Parts of herself she has yet to understand. She cuts off the ends. She is not trying to edit where she has cut or edited the image. Wives, lovers, partners, and friends. Perception and identity and social examination. Open ended narrative that we are asked to elaborate more on. This project becomes about the narrative. Why are people cut out, why is information missing, she quotes the Beatles, who are we together. Fluidity of identity and how people change it.
Layers (2007-2009) street artist draw her portrait on translucent paper. This is from 14 different cites. She would layer the portraits in a light box and photograph the layer. She would layer them from different areas but from the same cites for this process. Quote on the blog. This is the most intriguing to me. She has a documentary from 2006 AKA Nikki S Lee, fake documen

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