Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Continuity and Montage Workshop

Notes from February 9, 2016

February 9, 2016
Continuity and Montage

Wes Anderson
Guillermo Gomez Pena

Student work is pretty great

·      Continuity Editing (Classical Continuity)
o   Cut in continuous same shot movements
o   Make sure there is an eye-line match
§  Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo
·      180 degree or action line rule
o   Camera needs to stay on the same line as the action line in this space.
o   Can move camera on all of these planes but needs to stay on this imaginary action line.
·      Rule of Jump Cuts
o   The angle from these 2 shots is greater than 30 degrees
o   Will just look like a little piece of film is missing or like it jumped in time.
o   All based on hard cuts transitions will not create continuity
·      Psychological idea while watching a video or a movie is the idea of “moving to a place” and “coming from a place”
·      Montage Theory (Soviet Montage)
o   Based on the relationship of 2 shots
o   A concept is formed from the combination of 2 shots that have nothing to do with each other
o   Merged together with fast paced shots to imply and action
§  Example Eisenstein’s machine gun users in October: Ten Days That Shook The World
·      The Kuleshov Effect
o   Plain faced man juxtaposed with different shots, what did the emotions of the plain faced actor show
§  Sadness
§  Hunger
§  Lust
o   We bring meaning to the shots based on what shots we pair together

Premiere Playing
·      Click on New Project
·      Scratch disk same as project
·      File
o   Import
o   Grab clips that you want
o   It will bin the items
·      Press I for in point
·      Press o for outpoint
·      Drag and move to new item Icon in Project
·      Start with creating a template sequence and conform all the clips as you grab the sequences you put in
·      File
o   New
o   Sequence
§  Chose a template and define sequences for the window
§  Digital SLR folder
·      480p
o   DSLR 640x480p60
·      Click on clip created
o   Sequence
§  Sequence Settings
·      Timebase:
o   29.97 frames/second
o   Theoretically you can go down to 15 frames/second
§  Click Ok
·      Take out video and replace it with something else
o   Select only video
§  Must separate them by unlinking in premiere
·      Clip
o   Unlink
§  Select and delete
·      Make new clip move up and down till unlinked
o   Unlink
o   Delete what you don’t need
·      Clips don’t match up in link?
o   Cut your clips
o   Or extend a video clip further into the frame missing
§  Clip
·      Unlink
o   Selection tool
§  Move endpoint to the end of the gap
§  Check to make sure it works
·      Export (click on timeline window)
o   Media
§  Rename (put in the right file)
·      Bitrate encoding
o   VBR, 2 pass
§  Target Bitrate- 7
§  Maximum Bitrate- 10
·      Export
·      Archive.org
o   Download Options
§  MPEG2
§  MPEG4
§  Last option 512KB MPEG4
·      Effects/Re-scaling
o   Drag in
§  Double Click
·      Effect Controls
o   Motion triangle
§  Move- left right up down
§  Scale- make it 100 percent or more or less
§  Rotate- side or upside down
§  Opacity- full opacity or less
o   Clip
§  Speed/Duration
·      Slow down or speed things up
·      Play backwards with –speed or reverse playback box
o   Stopwatch- toggle animation
§  How to set key frame (moving something from one end to the other)
·      Move playback head to where you want to start
·      Diamond shape icon to the right is the key frame
·      Move playback head to where 2nd key frame will be
·      Change position of the property
·      Diamond Icon on the right of the right makes the 2nd key frame
o   How to set sound levels
§  Double click into sound clip
·      Effect controls
o   Volume
§  Levels
§  Maximum decibels is 6
§  Can visually see scale of audio with the toggle bar to the right in Timeline
·      To flip and image to create and eye-line view
o   Project Window
§  Double Triangles
·      Effects
o   Video Effects
§  Transform
·      Horizontal flip
o   Drag and drop it to the clip in the timeline window

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