Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Dick Blau Artist Talk

WTHR 172
February 10, 2016
7:30PM to 9:30PM

It is amazing how a man with so little knowledge in the world of film and video has created a career and name for himself as a photographer and videographer. I like the aspects about his work that he considers playful. I myself feel for his concept of going with what he feels like doing. I do the same thing. There are definite trends I find in my work but for the most part I want to photograph things that only the camera can capture, the camera's view is much more interesting than mine.  I like how he knew nothing about video and decided to teach himself so he could create a future and career with that media.  I enjoyed getting to hear him talk more so than the work that was shown, he is a very interesting man and I feel for his work more now that he has expressed his experiences with his still and moving shots. The most interesting part of the talk is when he told us about how in his first photographic work he shot a woman with an accordion with its bellows open and 40 years later shot the same woman in the same pose.  He connects with his work and subjects in a unique and wonderful way.

Polka (Round One) (Polish Americans)
Book- Polka Happiness

Polka (Round Two 40 years later)(Polish Americans)
Book- Polka Heartland
Book- Polka Heartland continued (Mexican Americans)

First Video- Up On The Block ("Black Video" Evangelists)
Second Video- Tintinnabula (Fairy Tale- More Grimm Style)
Third Video- Jidyll (Jewish Video)
Book- Bright Balkan Morning (Music in Greek Macedonia)

Book Skyros Carnival (Goat Dance and Festival)
Fourth Video- Polish Easter (Holy Trinity Church Chicago, IL)
Book- Thicker Than Water (40 years of Dick Blau Life)
Fifth Video- ER (Made with App Pixstori)
Book- Elephant House (Elephants and their handlers)

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