Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Final Critque

Artist Statement
I believe that population as a whole, we live a very short time. Throughout that time we are ever changing and developing. How we chose to deal with this change is directly affected by how we chose to showcase that to the world.  It is the one thing that we all share.

As an artist, I am most influenced by the psychological state of my own well being. I believe that every individual has a point in their life where they question how their life is changing. It is at that precipice that questions emerge about who this individual is in comparison to who they used to be. Sometimes it is positive growth, sometimes it is negative, and either way that individual is only remnants of who they used to be. The works, I have currently been researching for, are a direct reflection of how I feel, after relocating from my lifetime home to Purdue University.

My current photographic work revolves around the idea of these disintegrated identities. I am a process-based photographer that has begun to incorporate different artistic mediums with photography in exploration of how this idea of fragmentation can be pushed further. It is through personal exploration, conversations with others, and research that I have begun to create block face scanographies on the path of investigation for this research.  When it comes to the idea of identity, I believe it is too complex to be fixated by showing it in only one distinct medium. These pieces involve digital scanographies, digital photography, black and white photography, mordancage, and wooden block sculptures.

My other work focuses on the idea of educational identity. This was accomplished with the use of sculptural altered books and digital scanographies of those books. Education is a tool and all individuals learn and absorb knowledge in different ways and their personal identity is directly reflected in how they use it. 

1 comment:

  1. Molly...a hearty congratulations...this work is both inviting and explains and challenges our thoughts...great work...
