Tuesday, May 3, 2016

What is Conceptual Photography Pt.3

What is conceptual photography? Most people don't call themselves this! They say photographer or artist. I find that interesting. Why answer the question then. Why can't we all just be artists. Why does there need to be a label? Why should this class even be given? To answer that question, I think conceptual photography is anything that triggers a new way of thinking or thought about an idea or concept. How much does a photograph need to show to be a representation of what has happened. This is questioned by the bombing photo I have posted here. That was a direct relationship of what occurred when a bomb was detonated in Afghanistan. That really happened but you can not say anything. Are photographs real? Is there a direct correlation to photography and truth. That is what has created this idea behind clarification of title. Conceptual photography by definition is a type of photography that is staged to represent an idea. The 'concept' is both preconceived and, if successful, understandable in the completed image. How would war photography be considered this? What about documentary photography? No that is why in this class we learn documentary thrive and new document photography. I noticed in this movie it is said "I Think" a lot. I think we should all create what we are passionate about and learn from those before us and who are creating now. I don't know why we need 2 or 3 people telling us what conceptual photography is. 

I love the comment about it being patronizing and arrogant to say they are way photographers, it become narcissistic to be a conceptual artist, have some humility. I agree with that, these speakers seem full of themselves, and its all for the art! Don't put yourself in this place and this time to criticize those risking their lives. Sure question the system from your place in the states, don't go out of your way to lie, steal, and cheat the system. 
"We believe in documentation." Then believe it, enough said. If you don't, then don't go across the world with some hair brain idea, to not produce any results. 

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