Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Project 3 Discussion

March 29, 2016

Project 3 Discussions

Patrick- Long boarding- Chroma keying was not his whole video. There were some parts where his pants disappeared. Went to the roots of how long boarding came from surfing but on land. Very commercial, has a music video feeling to this. What happens if you fall and you are topless? Chose Jack Johnson for this music. Appropriate for the video. Chroma keying and tracking is incredibly difficult. I AGREE! GO PRO is strapped to his belt cause he had no mount, creates a very different angle. Fabian thinks it is well shot, but there are no new perspectives or shocking. How can we bring more radical use to the green screen? Use the grass as the green screen, and make it the ocean? Like the rack focus on the long board. It is visually appealing. It shows a changing focus of the gut reaction to the act of long boarding. It made Sara think of waves.  Would montage have been just as affective? Yes it would according to Patrick. He was super unimpressed with green screening.

DeCarlo- Rest/ Unrest. No Audio. Played around with text and civil unrest and complacency that comes with being happy. Straddle the line between the polarities. Engage with text and simultaneously with the separate imagery. This is a start, maybe some key frames to zoom in. Used same video from the march video he used before.  It works that one is black and white and one is color. Wouldn’t be able to see the text as well. He tried black and white with black and white and it was too uneasy. Possibly audio of walking, do the audio for what the word said. Fabian would prefer radical audio. Without it, it is hard to push the social aspect of this without it. How do you see this being shown? Very small old school TV that is wood paneled was the answer. This leans more towards a period of time, mixing the technology would not work as well. Need to find a point where it can loop around. Or have a lag in between if you are going to have that extreme of audio. Need the rest time for process time and that point to overwhelm the crowd all over again.  Did the jump of the words to be confronted by the foreground. It is very effective. He hates Photoshop and loves Illustrator so much.

Sara- Frida Kahlo- bringing paintings to life. Hand movements, moving leaves, and wet toes. She feels super connected to her because she viewed her work relentlessly when she had a miscarriage a while back. Calexico music with a little kid whispering in the background. She had to use a thousand of key marks to make it move properly in the place of the replaced objects. Possibly a self-portrait opacity movement. Possibly put in the tattoo, she put Frida Kahlo on her body and in turn put her body on Kahlo’s artwork.  If you had to show this in a gallery how would you show? Individually and projected in a frame, moving paintings. Had to use a pink background for the leaves because the leaves turned purple, also it took forever to export. Fabian said it looks professional and very well executed. Why exactly these three paintings? Not so happy with, “I thought they would be good for this manipulation.” Thematically we match, even though the final product is completely different. She didn’t want to intrude too much on the image, she just wanted to exist with the image instead. She didn’t want to change the intent. Great work Sara! Maybe start adding more and more of yourself, with a build up for video. Fabian doesn’t know about the music, it is expected. Sara is still not sure about it. It has the right mood in all of our opinion. What kind of audio would you use then? Possibly, collaborate with artists to create something specifically created for this project. Salvador has offered to give her ideas, one involving a jack in the box noise. Or maybe the subtle sound of water, rustling leaves, or hand movements. Fabian likes the idea of Juniper in the back, what are you doing, what’s that. Make it more out of the ordinary.

Carl- hand art and mixing it. Very circus feel. Visually frustrated. He keeps doing stuff and she does stuff and it is frustrating him, until she brings them both together. We should all be willing to take criticism and learn from it. It is also ok to gain inspiration from others. He didn’t think it looked very clean in the end. He used free ragtime video from online. The background was comprised of fake particle effects. Is there potential to make this interactive? Or is the idea of compromise through abstract graphics the general idea. It would have to be much more rendered if it was in real time.  Myron Krueger created a piece before camera tracking and computer vision. Was fake real time, he would move the mouse while they touched the screen, he would move when they moved. He created video space. Push the collaboration point and interact point, with 2 stations and mix them on a screen together. You don’t see what the other person is doing, just what is on the screen. It is not visually enticing enough to even do this himself because it is random and arbitrary and just eye candy. Looks like they are standing too close to fake fireworks. Movements were intentional but Carl feels they are jerky.

Salvador- love this video! Introduction and then the star! Love the way he talks! There are words from a video behind him and is distracting me. Fucking mummy that is killing a man. He has a mask on. He is commenting on the video. Chinese children, Mexican children! I wish I was able to let go the way he does! It is really enjoyable. Its about a performance artist in Mexico City that mixes English and Spanish in a political manner. He is doing it in Mexican satirical style. A fake show within a show. A fake TV show to a fake network. Need to actually use the video express, like he did. Instead of my camera in video express. “I don’t know what the fuck I am saying right now!” How do you see this being presented? Would you do something like this live… or does it have to be in this form as a video? I would enjoy doing both he said, performance or video. Brings awareness in a more interesting way to social, political issues. He contradicts himself a lot, “I like this but maybe not” is his motto. Sara said- Its your fault you don’t know Spanish that’s why you can’t read the subtitles. He is the Mexican hero trying to fight this fucking mummy off.  Mexican’s have a fascination with masks. Green screen is live in video express.

Boyd- Very Rap video looking. Love it very intriguing! Ivan has the other half. 3 concepts: 1. Wearing masks of suppressed generations. 2. Mass media portrays certain things and they use their own wording to describe it. 3. We took 3 audios and this was a sample from fantastic 4 original FM doom, who does everything with a mask on. It’s about the way mass media and the public figure out who people are, based off of stereotypes. Wishes he wouldn’t have worn the hat now because you can see some of the green on it. Lose the hat cause it is distracting, looks somewhat like a tourist. It is splitting up the content, which is a bit, much with the distracting style of hat. Make the colored pictures black and white. Or get a better hat; cause a lot of the imagery has hats. Do a green hoodie possibly? Green shoes? Surprised. Do it in the city because there are no green surroundings. Only shirt would be a good idea as well, you are wearing your history. Go straight into the shots. Definitely continue it is a great start! This is a great sketch start! Blurry adds to the effect and the texture of the shirt coming through.

Next meeting we need to think of a new video or revisit a past project for project 4. Only to communicate with each other and get feedback about idea number 4. Put together a couple of slides no longer than 5 minutes so we have visual stimuli to rely on. Next class meeting we will meet in Forestry Products.

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